Monday, May 11, 2009


Soooo.... I did get lots of tests done when I went to the hospital including: blood work, a CAT scan, an EKG and even a urine test. I went to the doctor today and got a referral to a neurologist and the doctor says I might get "abdominal migraines." But we won't know anything till I go see the specialist. As far as our AC goes, it was something minor and got fixed real quick. Now my house is quite comfy.Also, this week is a super busy one! Orchestra concert, two garaduations for Dad, including the one that Obama is speaking at, my orchestra banquet, my Daddy's grad party, caps and gowns, yearbooks, and my scholarship assembly whew! I'll have to let you all know how that goes. Also, while I'm rambling, who is Jordan Jensen who is following this blog? Do I know you?!haha, until next time!


  1. Good Luck with your busy schedule. We will try to make it to your concert tomorrow.

    I hope they find out what is wrong. Let me know!!!!

  2. I know whats wrong with you, you're suffering with PMKD short for Pre-Missing-Kylee-Disease. You're concert was BOMB by the way, I always love watching you play your C-low :)


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