Monday, October 19, 2009


For those of you who haven't seen my facebook lately, today was my very own mother's birthday!!!!! i just want to tell her AGAIN how amazing she really is! I thought I appreciated her before I moved away! She always has done so much for me and has been such a loving and wonderful influence in my life. She is my best friend and I don't know where I would be without her! She always knows how to comfort me (a can of chocolate frosting always does the trick!) and help me through my trials and issues. When I'm scared all I want is my mom by my side. Like today i basically passed out while giving blood and all I could think about was how much I wished my mom was there to hold my hand! She is my own personal hero and she has no idea how much her strength has set an incredible example for me. I know that I can trust her with anything and that I can rely on her advice and help in anything in her life! I know that I am so proud of her for the challenges that she has overcome and the testimony she has gained!! I love you so so much Momma and don't you ever forget it!! have an absolutely amazing and fantastic birthday and week!!! Lots of hugs and kisses!


  1. What a great tribute. And you are right, she really is amazing lady. I really enjoyed getting to know her and having her as a friend. I miss her too.

  2. Oh deary me! Your so cute! I love your mom too! She's basically AMAZING! :) Happy Birthday Kez!!


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