Monday, June 15, 2009


Tonight I went to my second Family Home Evening in my new Singles Branch for the Summer. So far so good! Last week we had a pizza dinner and played team Balderdash! Super fun!! We met this HILARIOUS guy named Tommy... but he's like 28 so.. Awkward. Haha! This week we actually got put into families and got to know everyone's names! It was fun and everyone is really nice even though it is a preety small branch. After an INCREDIBLY short lesson, we all got back together and played 4 or 5 rounds of Sardines, which is like backwards hide and seek. SSOOOOOO fun!! Me and Kylee and Stephanie found the hiders pretty quick, except for the last one who SAID he was behind one of the walls in the parking lot where all the AC stuff is in the parking lots, But we looked back there very thoroughly and he was NOT there!! He was moving. He said we looked right at him. Liar. And this other kid was behind bushes and we got there like second and everybody started coming and we were like, Is Mark even back here??? We hadn't actually seen him!! And so we all started to get up cuz we thought he wasn't there but he was and laughing at us the whole time. Haha, So we blew our cover. But it was really fun and I can't wait till next week!!! Oh, Ps- I had to lead the opening song and it was weird. haha! Pss- I just wish Nikki could come with us... =(


  1. I LOVE SARDINES! I used to play it in college ALL THE TIME! Seriously, it's the best game. I actually met one of my boyfriends (the one right before Curt) in the shower at a friend's house. Yeah, in the shower, during a game of sardines. How often do you hear that?!?!?

    I dated a guy that was a 28 year old lawyer right after high school, it was one of hte best relationships I had!

  2. Man! Why are my parents soooo stinking weird??? I am sooo jealous!

  3. Hey Kazhia! It was fun for me to find your blog. I'll be checking in from time to time making sure you're staying out of trouble! :) j/k


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