More Pictures!! So They're kind of out of order but again its late and I don't have time to try to rearrange them all!
Dorm Life!
Melissa had a ripstick so we all decided to try to ride it down the hall!!! And it was visiting hours so there were tons of guys in our hall to laugh at us!! Haha!!
I went like a whole three feet!!
Melissa had a ripstick so we all decided to try to ride it down the hall!!! And it was visiting hours so there were tons of guys in our hall to laugh at us!! Haha!!

Here's Bri's attempt!!!
So Bri and Gabby live across the hall from me and they threw a surprise party for this boy they met named Warren! They invited our whole hall to come even though we didn't know him... So I decided to go help decorate! It turned out that he got out of church early and showed up at home before his roommates and the other girls! So I met him by yelling out SURPRISE with just Gabby... Kinda awkward but it turned out really fun!!!