Thursday, May 14, 2009

Congradulations Daddy!!

Dear Daddy,
I am so so soooooo PROUD of you! You have worked so hard for so long and you stuck with it! You are finally done! You have been such a good example to all of us of hard work and endurance. Now you are done and can put all the stuff you learned to work! =) You are the best Daddy in the whole whole world and we love you to death! We are so excited for all the new opportunities you will be getting and especially for the extra time we will be able to spend with you! I love you so MUCH and want you to know how much we appreciated you all the many many things you do for us! You are AMAZING!!!
Your baby girl =)


  1. Awww, how sweet! Tell my big brother "way to go" from me!

  2. TENDER!! I love your daddy, he's so fun. Go Matthew!!! :)


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